SLUND is a one-man project created in 2016 by Igor Mortis a.k.a. El Slundo a.k.a. Slundy Slund.
Arisen from the ashes of previous projects, such as: Moron 1 (a Maroon 5 tribute band), The Artist Futurely Known As Slund, New Kid On The Block, Bee Gee and Beach Boy. All instruments (violin, the triangle, tuba, flute, strawberry) in SLUND are played by Mr. Slundy Slund, even though Mr. Slundor is originally a choreographer for senior citizens. "A man of many talents" some would say, others would also say stuff like: "Hey you, you suck!!!" or "Hello and welcome to Burger King".
All of SLUND's music is released on formats that are 100% gluten, lactose and cat free! No animals, humans or dreams were ever killed during any of SLUND's recording.
SLUND's "music" could be described as a mixture of New Age Smooth Jazz and Disco. It is often used as background music in transcendental meditation sessions or as singalong music around the campfire. It has also been proven to help clean your chakras, specially the 3rd one. SLUND'S music is also recommended to be played at family christmas gatherings or house pet funerals.
Some say SLUND reminds them of early ABBA or The Pet Shop Boys. But people say a lot of dumb stuff, so...